Tuition and Tuition Assistance
TUITION - 2024-2025
Tuition for the 2024-2025 season is listed below for each of our three orchestras.
Youth Chamber Orchestra (YCO) - $600
Youth Symphony Orchestra (YSO) - $675
Youth Philharmonic Orchestra (YPO) - $750
*Please note that any outstanding balance must be paid for a student to participate in this year’s season.
Tuition can be paid in full at the start of the season in September or can be made in installments. The first payment is due on Sunday, September 22nd. Payments can be made by cash or check during rehearsal. Credit card payments are accepted, though a 3.5% processing fee will apply, and cannot be accepted at rehearsals. Please contact Julie Han at yoofbilling@gmail.com for information on how to pay by credit card.
Installment payments for the 2024-2025 season for each of our three orchestras:
Youth Chamber Orchestra (YCO) - $240 initial payment in September followed by monthly payments of $50 per month, October through May.
Youth Symphony Orchestra (YSO) - $235 initial payment in September followed by monthly payments of $60 per month, October through May.
Youth Philharmonic Orchestra (YPO) - $230 initial payment in September followed by monthly payments of $70 per month, October through May.
A sibling discount of $75 is applied for each additional family member participating in the youth orchestras.
YOOF provides need-based tuition assistance in the form of partial or full tuition, not including the $20 application fee.
No student will be denied membership due to financial hardship.
All students must first pass an audition before requesting financial assistance.
Applicants must complete the Tuition Assistance application and turn in the required documentation. Completed forms will be reviewed by the YOOF Tuition Assistance Committee. Notifications will be sent VIA EMAIL as soon as possible after review.
Applications can be completed online and are available at auditions or by request. Cell phone photos of documents (e.g. tax returns) are acceptable.
Aid is granted based on proof of need: you must submit the first two pages of the family's most recent tax return.
All financial concerns are strictly confidential. Information will be used only for reference about YOOF's tax liabilities and filing verification.
Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
NOTE: When submitting a tax return as proof of need, be aware that IRS nonprofit guidelines require a copy of only the first two pages of your most recent tax return. Please black out Social Security numbers, but do not black out any other information.
Acceptable submission methods:
Complete the paper application by clicking on the PDF icon below.
Bring it and the required documentation in a sealed envelope
to Dr. Loewenheim at rehearsal.- or -
Mail it with the required documentation to:
Youth Orchestras of Fresno
2503 W Shaw Ave #103
Fresno, CA 93711
Absence Notification Form
Use this form with care. Be sure to report any expected absences no later than 8 am on the day of the rehearsal you plan to miss.
Every player is essential to the functioning of the whole. Even one player’s absence is felt and throws off the balance of the sections. We expect to hear from you no later than 8 am on the day of the rehearsal you plan to miss. Much better would be to notify us several days or even weeks in advance of any anticipated absence. Please check ALL schedules at the start of the year so that there will be no surprises. Absences of more than two per semester will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Excessive absenteeism can result in loss of your seat (you will be moved elsewhere in your section). It would be best if you did not miss a dress rehearsal or a concert. If there are special circumstances that might make such an absence unavoidable, please notify the conductor WELL in advance so he or she can plan for your replacement.